Saturday, November 24, 2007

F U N Weekend

Friday night we went to the Bradley Center to see Sesame Street Live! It was lots of fun. All of our favorite characters were there dancing and singing. Tellie even patted Gracie on the head. Logan and Lydi were there with us and we had fun dancing and eating popcorn and cotton candy. We even had McDonalds for dinner. Does a Friday night get any better?

Saturday morning we went to see the Grafton Christmas parade. It is a definite must see. There were fire trucks, flatbeds pulling floats and lots of animals and characters too! We got lots of fresh air and again enjoyed dancing and singing. MJJ even said "I had fun dancing Momma" Hard to believe but Christmas Eve is a month from today.....HO HO HO!

A Boy and His Dog...Auggie Dog

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Breakfast With Santa

Yes, I know it is only Nov 17th but we did have breakfast with Santa this morning. Grandma Jean, Gracie, Michael and myself headed to the Wisconsin Club at 9:30 this am. (Mike is deer hunting for the first time..that will deserve a post of it's own) We were second in line to see Santa and both Gracie and MJJ went right up to him. He asked Gracie if she was a good girl and she replied with a sheepish "mmmhmmmmm" He then asked what she would like for Christmas and that received a bold reply "PRINCESSESS" (of course, what else is there Santa?) MJJ just sat quietly and unresponsive to Santa's questions but as we left he boldly said " Dankt Yout and Merwy Chwismaas"(As you can see he really enjoyed the chocolate eclair) He also wanted to wave goodbye to Santa before we left. So with coats and hats on he started waving his Miss America wave from the back of the hall. They both got stockings filled with candy and both had a good time. It will be a fun Christmas! Can you believe how grown up they look? Don't blink John & Erin!

Friday, November 16, 2007



On Novemver 15th, 2007 at 10:11am Elise Jean was born! She weighed 7lbs 6oz and 18" long! Mom and baby are doing great and Daddy John couldn't be prouder

There is nothing like a little girl!

We have waited so long to see her face and it is the cutest face we have ever seen!

We welcome you and love you Baby Ellie........
what a blessing you are!

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Just a picture of the cutest girl and cutest boy ever!

And something for you all to look at until mom can get her act together and make a new post!