Back on Oct 3rd Mike and I went to New Glarus to see the new brewery that was built. It was a trip the Beechwood employees could take and it was alot of fun. We took the kids and Auggie to Aunt Kim, Uncle Jerry and Cousin Karlie's house. Grandma Marilyn was there and they all spent the night together while Mike and I went to New Glarus. We had a great time, it was freezing cold but alot of fun! Huge Thank YOU's to Kim, Jerry and Grandma for taking care of our tribe while we were able to get out together!
On Sat, the 4th we went to the Badger game with Kim, Jerry, Mary and Bob. Again, a great time. My cheeks hurt for a week from laughing so hard. This is a FUN group! Again, a big thank you to Grandma for taking care of all the kids and Auggie. We OWE you big time, Grandma! Boo Hoo to the Badgers for losing :(
Last Sunday, the boys (Joey & John) and my Dad (Papa) left for WY for their yearly hunting trip. We had a cookout on Sat night to wish them well. Gracie and MJJ carved a pumpkin with Uncle Chee Chee and then had a blast running around with the Greene children (Daniel and George. (See the picture of "George and Gracie" below.....I just had to take one. It has been a long time since the Burns were on TV but those names still go together
The kids and I have also been to 2 pumpkin farms.....lots to do and lots of fun!
Here are few pics from all the miscellaneous updates. Hope all is well with you all! Check back in soon!
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