LeslieAnn flattered me by giving me the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award
Here is what she said about our Blog:
Heidi at Gracie and Michael's Place. I ♥ Heidi! She is one of my best friends in this world and I know she's always a phone call away. She hasn't been blogging long, but she makes my day with updates/pictures of MJJ and Gracie. Heidi loves being a mother...just read her posts and there's no doubt about how much she loves her babies! Heidi is one of the few people I'd get on a plane for...that should say a lot right there. :)
Here are my 5 nominees:
1) LeslieAnn from SuperDuper Jack is one of my best friends in the world. We met 4+ years ago when we both were going through infertility. We met on-line and though we have never met, we are unbelievable friends. She understands me and is always there for me. Leslie and her son, Jackson are true people who make the world a better place. Her Rockin' Girl Blogger site makes me smile everyday. Thank you Leslie, not only for my Rockin' Girl Blogger Award but for your priceless gift of friendship!! Someday we will meet Les!!! I can't wait!
2)Two By Two By Two; The Making of a Family Todd & Randi are amazing people...again two people I have never met but who touch my life through their blog. They recenty welcomed twin boys, Wyatt and Emerson after a long and difficult pregnancy. Best Wishes to Randi and Todd and their new family!
3)J over at Lots of Scotts......I read J's posts daily and she is a true inspiration. She is the mom of three year old beautiful triplets. She brightens my day with stories and also inspires me with her incredible faith!
4)Jen over at Amazing Trips...is just that AMAZING. She is mom to triplets and recently became "Mom" again. Her little boy, Henry is adorable as are all of her children and her sense of humor cracks me up everyday. Thanks for making me SMILE Jen.....your stories are hilarious and so true...I don't have triplets but as a mom can relate!
5)Kim over at Puppies and Mudpuddles is a great mom who loves sharing her iife and little boy. I enjoy reading Kim's blog and have a special connection seeing that she is a fellow Midwesterner!
Awww that is so awesome, I only have a sec to be on here to thank you but the next chance I get i will do it! Thanks hun!
Thank you, Heidi!!!
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