Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Really, can it be November? And the end of November at that! Where has time gone? Hard to believe it has been three weeks since I posted.....
What have we been up to?
First weekend in Nov.....we went to the Wilderness in WI Dells! Kids had a great time and continue to say "I Love the Big Water Park"
Second weekend: We celebrated Ellie's 1st Birthday. Hard to believe one whole year has passed by already. Ellie, we love you.......
This weekend we will have breakfast with Santa on Sat at the WI Club. Michael is so excited for Christmas this year. He has been asking me "take me to Christmas Mom" "Take me to Christmas Eve"
I think this Christmas will be priceless, how can it not be with a three and four year old? The Magic, The Innocence, The Pure Joy......Mom and Dad cannot wait either.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy 95th Grandma Sally!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
On this date......
October 18, 2001. 7 years ago. Mike & I drove to Northbrook, IL and picked up at 34lb, 12 week old baby. He was orginally name Andre' but since Mike worked for Budweiser he wanted to rename our little boy, "Bud". I simply said that name is too generic and we agreed on Auggie (after August Busch). I rode in the way back of our green Excursion with a lively, loving, pee pee breath, innocent puppy. That 1.5 hour drive is where Auggie and I bonded for the first time. I was hesitant to get another puppy for not that long ago, we lost our dog Zeus whom I loved so much. Little did I know that Auggie would become my dog of all dogs, my once in a lifetime best friend. I honestly believe we all have ONE dog that stands out from all the rest and although I will LOVE every animal that comes into my life with all my heart, Auggie will always be a part of me.
He is the kindest, gentle giant. Alot of people cringe when I say we have a rottweiler but they are great dogs (it is the WRONG people who have the dogs you hear about on the news) My kids have used Auggie as a step stool and can take food out of his mouth. Now that Augs is 7, his age is starting to show. Not one grey hair but arthritic in the hips. With the weather getting colder he is stiff moving at times and gingerly lays down and gets up. Some days there is no sign of it and other days it is starting to bother him. He loves to sleep on his dog bed with his "blanket" to keep his bones warm. And still loves his daily walks to the barn.
My LouLou, I love THAT dog! October 18, 2001.....what a wonderful day.....
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Lil' Buddy is 3!
October 14, 2005.....could it really be 3 years ago that we brought home little Michael Bones? I know I am a few days behind in my posting but I wanted to post the whole day of MJJ's 3rd birthday.
Michael chose to go to the pet store and the park. More then anything this is how he wanted to celebrate HIS day. It was a great morning. We went to the pet store and we got there right when it opened so he and Gracie were able to see baby birds (parrots) being hand feed with droppers, They also got to see the fish get fed breakfast, this was exciting too because we saw Nemo and Marlin, Dorothy was not around on Tuesday. He also got to pick a special treat out of the treat jar and pet the kitties.
Afer the pet store we went to the park (by our old house) and the kids played and played. Michael re-named the park, the Packer Park, because he was running laps around the park and I guess in his eyes this is what the Packers do. (How 'bout them Packers by the way?) We ate fish crackers and juice boxes and sang to the top of our lungs Happy Birthday to Michael!
We drove by the old house for old times sake and I told Gracie this was the house you were born in. She asked if we could go in and when I replied "no" she was a bit miffed and confused and then asked "do you have anymore old houses? Ones we can go in?" Good question but "no".
Oh, I almost forgot. He picked me a handful of dandelions and said "der for you Mom, fur your bwirthday" I loved them more then a dozen roses! Thank you Michael!
That evening we went to Grandma Jean's for pizza and cake. Uncle Bob, Uncle Eddie, Uncle Jack, Jim, Logan and Lydia, Mom, Dad and Gracie and Grandma Jean were all in attendance. The kids ran around outside and had a great time. Michael did get a few gifts (well, it is his real birthday, you know) And the helicopter was by far his favorite. He also loves his new Tommy the Train computer. Michael had two pieces of cake and really enjoyed his day. Mom did too, I just want to know, how can my 7lb 8oz little buddy be 3 already? He brightens our days and makes us belly laugh. He is the sweetest little boy, just don't ask him to share one of his 10,000+ cars!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Where Have We Been?
I know I promised I would keep up with updating this blog and I haven't done such a good job. Just busy, but a good busy.
Back on Oct 3rd Mike and I went to New Glarus to see the new brewery that was built. It was a trip the Beechwood employees could take and it was alot of fun. We took the kids and Auggie to Aunt Kim, Uncle Jerry and Cousin Karlie's house. Grandma Marilyn was there and they all spent the night together while Mike and I went to New Glarus. We had a great time, it was freezing cold but alot of fun! Huge Thank YOU's to Kim, Jerry and Grandma for taking care of our tribe while we were able to get out together!
On Sat, the 4th we went to the Badger game with Kim, Jerry, Mary and Bob. Again, a great time. My cheeks hurt for a week from laughing so hard. This is a FUN group! Again, a big thank you to Grandma for taking care of all the kids and Auggie. We OWE you big time, Grandma! Boo Hoo to the Badgers for losing :(
Last Sunday, the boys (Joey & John) and my Dad (Papa) left for WY for their yearly hunting trip. We had a cookout on Sat night to wish them well. Gracie and MJJ carved a pumpkin with Uncle Chee Chee and then had a blast running around with the Greene children (Daniel and George. (See the picture of "George and Gracie" below.....I just had to take one. It has been a long time since the Burns were on TV but those names still go together

The kids and I have also been to 2 pumpkin farms.....lots to do and lots of fun!
Here are few pics from all the miscellaneous updates. Hope all is well with you all! Check back in soon!
Back on Oct 3rd Mike and I went to New Glarus to see the new brewery that was built. It was a trip the Beechwood employees could take and it was alot of fun. We took the kids and Auggie to Aunt Kim, Uncle Jerry and Cousin Karlie's house. Grandma Marilyn was there and they all spent the night together while Mike and I went to New Glarus. We had a great time, it was freezing cold but alot of fun! Huge Thank YOU's to Kim, Jerry and Grandma for taking care of our tribe while we were able to get out together!
On Sat, the 4th we went to the Badger game with Kim, Jerry, Mary and Bob. Again, a great time. My cheeks hurt for a week from laughing so hard. This is a FUN group! Again, a big thank you to Grandma for taking care of all the kids and Auggie. We OWE you big time, Grandma! Boo Hoo to the Badgers for losing :(
Last Sunday, the boys (Joey & John) and my Dad (Papa) left for WY for their yearly hunting trip. We had a cookout on Sat night to wish them well. Gracie and MJJ carved a pumpkin with Uncle Chee Chee and then had a blast running around with the Greene children (Daniel and George. (See the picture of "George and Gracie" below.....I just had to take one. It has been a long time since the Burns were on TV but those names still go together
The kids and I have also been to 2 pumpkin farms.....lots to do and lots of fun!
Here are few pics from all the miscellaneous updates. Hope all is well with you all! Check back in soon!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Birthday Party!
This past Sat, Sept 27th at 4pm we celebrated Grace Jean turning 4 and Michael Joseph-James turning 3. It was a P-A-R-T-Y......PARTY! You would have thought it was Christmas by the amount of presents they received (which threw all my idle threats that "mis-behavin' will not be rewarded with presents" right out the window.) Everyone was far too generous, all the gifts were really cool! We had Tinkerbell and Buzz Lightyear everything (plates, cake plates, cakes, napkins, blowhorns, treatbags, and signs) The Buzz Lightyear items didn't show up until 245pm on Sat via USPS, but this is a whole other story (not worth the time or my blood pressure, let's just say that a lady from TN is real lucky the Buzz items showed up)
We had tacos for dinner, the kids broke a pinta and filled treatbags with ample amounts of candy and we also played pin the tail on the donkey. A great time was had by all..........especially my babies.....who are now 3 & 4!
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