This past Sat, Sept 27th at 4pm we celebrated Grace Jean turning 4 and Michael Joseph-James turning 3. It was a P-A-R-T-Y......PARTY! You would have thought it was Christmas by the amount of presents they received (which threw all my idle threats that "mis-behavin' will not be rewarded with presents" right out the window.) Everyone was far too generous, all the gifts were really cool! We had Tinkerbell and Buzz Lightyear everything (plates, cake plates, cakes, napkins, blowhorns, treatbags, and signs) The Buzz Lightyear items didn't show up until 245pm on Sat via USPS, but this is a whole other story (not worth the time or my blood pressure, let's just say that a lady from TN is real lucky the Buzz items showed up)
We had tacos for dinner, the kids broke a pinta and filled treatbags with ample amounts of candy and we also played pin the tail on the donkey. A great time was had by all..........especially my babies.....who are now 3 & 4!