They were the cutest trick or treaters out there! Snow White and Lightening McQueen Pit Crew Chief
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween Everyone!! The kids had a great time trick or treating at Uncle Johnny and Aunt Rin's house(neighborhood)on Sunday. We made it to about 15 houses and both kids walked all the way!
They were the cutest trick or treaters out there! Snow White and Lightening McQueen Pit Crew Chief

They were the cutest trick or treaters out there! Snow White and Lightening McQueen Pit Crew Chief
Monday, October 15, 2007
My Baby Boy!
Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday I was waiting for Mike to pick me up to take me to the hospital to have our little baby boy. Well here we are 730 days later and we now have a little boy not a baby anymore.
Michael JJ is a BOY! He LOVES trucks and can identify a semi, flatbed, cement truck, garbage truck, excavator and school bus (I am sure there is more but those come to mind first). He also LOVES the Disney movie, CARS! McQueen (Me Queem) is his favorite however, he knows all of their names too! He LOVES to "ride bikes" up and down the driveway and he has no fear. This child would be out in the middle of Hwy 60 pulling his coaster wagon. You will also find him with a "pot" and/or frying pan (to him the are all "pots") We have had "pots" take road trips. I often wondered if I ever got pulled over what the policeman would think of my son holding a "pot" on his lap buckled in a carseat! I wonder about myself but sometimes you just do what you gotta do to keep life happy! If carrying around a pot makes the boy happy and quiet....let the boy carry a pot!
He is also very polite. He will always say "paaweeze" and "dank youk" and if you don't say "your welcome" in a timely manner he will say "dank youk your velcome"
He is also a busy body..I have said numerous times "if he was first he would probably be last" (kidding of course) but he keeps me running..literally! But we LOVE him with all our hearts and Thank God everyday for our "miracle" blessing. He truly is a blessing and a blessing that makes us laugh and smile everyday! We LOVE YOU Michael JJ (Ichael Bones) We sure do LOVE YOU!....Happy Birthday Baby Boy! Oops I mean Little Boy!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
October 4th - Feast of St Francis of Assisi
Today is the Feast of St Francis of Assisi (click here) and our church, St Joseph's, (and Gracie's school) had a blessing service for our pets.
Needless to say, when I heard about it I was going to get Auggie there for a blessing. Not because he needed it but because he deserved it. He is by far the kindest, most loving, affectionate animal you have ever met. Now before you all think I am completly off my rocker...try to understand that Auggie is not just a pet to me or our family..he is a member of our family. Father Steve officiated a breif but touching service for all the animals. He reminded us all that God created all animals and that He entrusted us to take care of them. He also reminded us how are pets are always there for us especially in trying times. Auggie is always there for our family. Most days he sits quietly waiting for a turn to get pet or go for a walk, he guards our home and our children and he is always there to give a kiss.
I am very thankful for my Auggie Doggie and I love him with all my heart...he is truly a part of me, not just a part of my life, a part of me! I love you LuLu...thanks for being YOU!
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